Soul Cutter by Lexa Cain | Supernatural Horror Mystery Story

Soul Cutter
Lexa Cain
Genres: Supernatural, Horror, Mystery, Romance
Age Group: Young Adult
Publication Date: 6th December 2013
Number of Pages: 300
Source: Sent for review from the Author

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The Soul Cutter is hunting again.

Seventeen-year-old Élan spends her free time videoing psychic scams and outing them online. Skepticism makes life safe—all the ghosts Élan encounters are fakes. When her estranged mother disappears from a film shoot in Egypt, Élan puts her medium-busting activities on hold and joins the search.

In Egypt, the superstitious film crew sucks at finding her mom. When a hotel guest is killed, whispers start—the locals think their legendary Soul Cutter has come back from the dead. Élan's only ally is Ramsey, a film-crew intern, but he’s arrogant, stubborn—and hiding dangerous secrets.

When Élan discovers the Soul Cutter is no scam, she finds herself locked in a deadly battle against a supernatural killer with more than her mother’s life at stake.

Élan is fighting for her very soul.

When introduced to Élan, a psychic-disbeliever who has her own online website which uncovers psychic scams artists through video, I was sure this book was going to take on Scooby Doo-esque nature and we’d find out the Soul Cutter culprit at the end wasn't actually supernatural and had been a scammer the whole time. But as the book went on and we were introduced to Ramsey, the story started to take a different turn and I had no clue how it was all going to end.

When Élan, the supernatural disbeliever, and Ramsey, the believer, get thrown together to search for Élan’s mother who has gone missing, it makes for an interesting discussion between the two characters as to what their beliefs are and the reasoning behind them. Although Élan is an unbeliever and has evidence to prove most physic and supernatural things are unreal, she has her own reasons for wishing this and still remains skeptical that the supernatural may be real.

I really enjoyed this story - the writing was quick paced and aspects of the story were very gory. The scare factor of this book for me was mild, I was never creeped out or hiding behind the duvet or a pillow but I didn't mind that because the goriness and unraveling of the story had me absorbed and wanting to know what might be hinted at next. There was certainly a strong hint at what might be in Ramsey’s future near the end which makes me very intrigued.

Overall this was a well-written and exciting mild horror/supernatural/mystery story. I didn't really warm to the main characters Élan or Ramsey but I also didn't hate them either. I enjoyed the Egyptian setting and the cultural and language elements shared within this book. If you’re looking for a mild horror book with supernatural elements then this is right up your street! See if you can guess what the outcome of the story is before the end - I didn't guess correctly :-)

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