This fortnight's booktuber/blogger is Caitlin from The Y.A. Bookworm. Caitlin's blog is one I check everyday for updates and her addition to booktube recently has made me love her content even more. She's brings a fresh bubbly personality to her reviews, blogposts and videos which I find uplifting and fun to watch. Here's Caitlin's answers to the BookTuber/Blogger Interview Questions. Enjoy.
Please describe your channel and the type of books which you enjoy reading.
My name is Caitlin, I’m seventeen years old and run a booktube channel I started earlier this year. I post a variety of videos on my channel; hauls, reviews, wrap ups, tags, and many more! I've also got some series and discussion videos planned for the future!
I read a wide variety of novels within Young Adult and New Adult fiction. Out of all the books I read though, romance (or books with strong romantic pairings) are my favourite kinds of reads….A book that makes me swoon is a book worth reading in my opinion, haha!
What made you decide to start your channel and what are the main reasons you keep making videos?
The main reason I decided to start my channel two months ago was to take the next step in growing my blog and connecting with my readers. Running a book blog for the past two years really opened my eyes to the awesomeness of connecting with bookish people via the internet, and once I discovered booktube, I was pretty much determined to start a channel of my own. It took quite some time before I actually got my first video up, but thankfully I faced my fears and am SO glad I did! The tremendous support I’ve received from both the community and fellow book lovers, in addition to sharing my love for reading, have really encouraged me to continue making videos people (hopefully) enjoy! :P
I am terrible at choosing favourites…it’s like asking a mother to choose between her children— impossible! One of my recent favourites though is Sweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins, the concluding novel to the Sweet trilogy. It releases on April 29th, 2014 and all I’ve got to say is prepare for epic-ness….and LOTS of good Kaidan material! ;) *swoons*
If you could read one genre for the rest of your life, which genre would you choose?
If you can’t already guess, it would be romance, romance, and more romance! There’s something just so addicting about rooting for the perfect couple to make it out with a happily ever after….I also think romance adds lots of depth to a story. It allows readers the opportunity to see a more intimate and vulnerable side of characters that you may not have been exposed to without it!
Most definitely Cassandra Clare’s shadowhunter world. It’s filled with tons of history and fascinating creatures….plus, I wouldn’t mind being a bad ass shadowhunter like Isabelle! Black is also one of my favourite colours to wear, so I think I’d fit in well! :P
What has been your best/favourite booktubing moment so far and why?
The moment that stands out to me the most would definitely be reaching 1000 subscribers! I never thought that I would receive such a welcoming response from the community, and it was kind of overwhelming to see that so many people cared enough to hit that subscribe button! I wish I could hug every single one of them!
Where do you store/show-off your books and how many do you own in total?

Where is your usual place to read and what would your dream reading place look like?
I usually read either in my bed or in my library. I consider my library to be my dream reading place, so if your interested in what it looks like, I’ve included an image and you can see my full tour, here!Lastly, which blogs/channels can we usually find you stalking when you're not creating content for your own channel?
When I’m not busy filming/editing/writing, you’ll see me visiting,, and any and all BookTube videos that appear on my feed. I also love watching beauty gurus…two of my favs are missglamorazzi and essiebutton!
Thank-you so much for having me on your site Samantha! These were so much fun to answer!
Find Caitlin on all these social media sites:
Twitter: @TheYABookworm (
Thanks Caitlin for taking part in my BookTuber/Book Blogger series.
Don't forget to follow Cold Tea and Crumbs to read another BookTuber/Blogger Interview in 2 weeks. See you all then. x
Missed an interview? See all interviewees on the BookTuber/Book Blogger Interview Archive Page
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