1 Year | BookTube Birthday & Giveaway

Thank you all so much for all your support, book recommendations and comments over this last year. You've made BookTube so fun to be a part of. So in honour of my 1 Year BookTube Birthday I'm hosting a giveaway!

2 lucky winners will win a book of their choice from the book depository.com up to the value of £10.

Giveaway Rules
1) Must be subscribed to my YouTube channel - just click the widget below

2) The book depository.com must ship to your country - for a list of where they delivery click this link - http://www.bookdepository.com/help/topic/HelpId/3/Which-countries-do-you-deliver-to#helpContent
3) Must be 18 years old or have parental permission
4) Leave a comment on the video (http://youtu.be/jW_dP4CbfG0) saying which country you're from and your nearest big city - I'm going to be creating a subscriber map :-) yay!
5) For an extra entry - Tweet something including @ColdTeaCrumbs and #HappyBookTubeBirthday
e.g. 'Wishing @ColdTeaCrumbs a #HappyBookTubeBirthday. Congratulations for 1 year on BookTube!
6) Giveaway closes midnight Sunday 18th May (GMT)

Buy any book from the Book Depository and get FREE SHIPPING!


  1. Congrats to you on your one year anniversary!! You have some awesome stats on BookTube!!

    I live in the USA on the central coast of California!! The largest city near me is Santa Barbara, CA!!

  2. Ok, I enjoy reading your blog!. So, I've nominated it for a Liebster Award!! I'd never heard of a Liebster Award until I was recently nominated for one myself. Check out my blog post for more details: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2014/05/ive-been-nominated-for-liebster-award.html


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