This fortnight's booktuber/blogger is the lovely Katie from kitkatscanread. I had the pleasure to meet Katie at the Book Lover Meet Up in December and since then we have messaged and rang each other which has been lovely. I am very envious of her book cupboard! Here's Katie's answers to the BookTuber/Blogger Interview Questions. Enjoy.
Please describe your channel and the type of books which you enjoy reading.
Hello, my name is Katie from the channel Kitkatscanread. I try to make my channel individual by containing various different videos from: Top 10's, Top 5's, book hauls, tags, reviews, discussions and just generally talking about books. I have an obsession with Young Adult books, but I do also read some New Adult. I don't think I'll ever be able to grow out of YA; I love it too much! Haha xD
What made you decide to start your channel and what are the main reasons you keep making videos?
I started my channel a year ago mainly because I wanted to join in the community and it seemed like great fun. And honest to God I'm SO glad that I did because it's just been an amazing experience and I've met so many fantastic people. My BookTuber friends and subscribers are the ones that help me keep going, as well as the lovely comments that are left. I just have SO much fun dong videos, and I don't think I'll end up giving up any time soon!
What is your favourite book?

If you could read one genre for the rest of your life, which genre would you choose?
The YA genre no doubt about it! Haha
If you could live in any book world created, which would you choose?
I would love to dive into the Mortal Instruments world. It just seems so fascinating and I'd love to encounter everything that's inside it.
What has been your best/favourite booktubing moment so far and why?
Meeting BookTubers in London! What an ace day! Met so many fantastic people =D
Where do you store/show-off your books and how many do you own in total?
HAHAHAHAHA. Well....I have a small bookshelf in my room....and the rest is in my book cupboard =P
Where is your usual place to read and what would your dream reading place look like?
Lately I've been reading on and in my bed a lot as it's Winter. In the Summer, I love reading outside
And my ideal reading place is the library from Beauty & the Beast!!
Lastly, which blogs/channels can we usually find you stalking when you're not creating content for your own channel?
Yours, Sam ;) Haha I watch a lot of people's videos. I love Kassidy Voinche, Little Book Owl, and I love watching normal YouTubers as well like Carrie Fletcher @ Itswaypastmybedtime and her brother Tom Fletcher =)
Thank you so much for having me, Sam ^_^
Find Katie on all these social media sites:
Thanks Katie for taking part in my BookTuber/Book Blogger series.
Don't forget to follow Cold Tea and Crumbs to read another BookTuber/Blogger Interview in 2 weeks. See you all then. x
Missed an interview, see all interviewees on the BookTuber/Book Blogger Interview Archive Page
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