This fortnight's booktuber/blogger is fellow Brit, Megan Olivier. Megan is a Northern lass with a passion for reading and writing. Her aspirations to become a writer adds depth to her book reviews. Megan's channel is one of my favourites and she has the most beautiful bookshelf wallpaper in the background of some of her videos (I need some of that when I move into my own house :-D). Here's Megan's answers to the BookTuber/Blogger Interview Questions. Enjoy.
Please describe your channel and the type of books which you enjoy reading.
My YouTube channel was created, in October of last year, to be a place where I could
discuss the books I love to read with others who share my passion. I read Young Adult fiction more than anything else but every now and then I'll pick up an adult or non-fiction book (I'm in a little self-help book phase right now). I'm also planning to expand my channel a little and add the occasional vlog or lifestyle video to spice things up a bit. Books will always be at the forefront though. How could they not be? Reading and writing is such a huge part of my life.
What made you decide to start your channel and what are the main reasons you keep making videos?
Personally, I don't have many 'real life' friends who enjoy reading as much as I do. I was thrilled when I stumbled upon BookTube, a place where people talk about nothing but books! What could be better?
I found BookTube at a time when I was feeling extremely unhappy within myself. I had just decided to leave college, and I was so unsure about what was going to come next. Reading provided me with that little bit of escapism that I so desperately needed after spending the last two years in a constantly stressed out state. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop making videos! My viewers are so wonderful and kind. I've never been a part of a nicer community of people. I've also made so many amazing friends from all over the world.

If you've watched any of my videos this will be no surprise (I mention it nearly ever time because I love it so much)... Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman. I read it on a family holiday when I was thirteen years old and have re-read it multiple times since. It was my first glimpse into YA Dystopian (before I even knew what that word meant), a genre that I now love. I think the main reason why I was so affected by this book - I thought about it for weeks after - was because of the heartbreaking romance. I had to jump into the swimming pool so no one would see my tears when I read it for the first time.
If you could read one genre for the rest of your life, which genre would you choose?
I'd probably give you a different answer if you asked me next month. Right now I'd say contemporary because I'm loving John Green and Rainbow Rowell; their characters are so unique and hilarious! But there isn't a genre that I dislike so I'd probably be happy with any as long as I was still able to read.

That's a hard one! So many of the worlds I have read about are pretty awful (Legend, Divergent and, of course, Noughts & Crosses). I think I'd have to choose the world of Maggie Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races. I love the idea of the little seaside town. It seems like a pretty dangerous and scary place to live but Maggie describes everything so lyrically. It sounds beautiful.
What has been your best/favourite booktubing moment so far and why?
There have been so many great moments! Seeing my subscribers go up so fast, and having Rainbow Rowell retweet me were both amazing experiences. But if I had to choose one I'd probably say the moment I began talking to my BookTube friend, Anna. She is a couple of years older than me, and lives in Poland. We have so much in common, it's actually ridiculous. When she sent me a package (that I unboxed on camera) I almost had tears in my eyes. Everyone on BookTube has been so supportive of me and my dream of becoming a writer myself. I love that BookTube brings people closer together.
Where do you store/show-off your books and how many do you own in total?
I keep all of the books that I have read on a single bookshelf in my bedroom. It is overflowing right now and I'm pretty sure I'll be in need of a personal library soon. Any unread books that I own are stored under my desk. My bedroom is tiny...the books are taking over! I actually have no idea how many books I own in total. Definitely over 100. I'm too scared to count.
I read wherever I can. I take a book with me almost everywhere I go so I can read at every spare moment. Most often this is when I'm sitting in bed at night. This is not the best idea though: I end up staying up all night when I'm hooked on a good story!
My dream reading place would have to be a quiet tropical beach. In fact, my own private reading beach! I love reading on holiday.
Lastly, which blogs/channels can we usually find you stalking when you're not creating content for your own channel?
In terms of blogs I LOVE Kate Ormand. Her debut YA dystopian novel comes out in June and I am so excited! For BookTube there are so many people that I love to watch. Some of my favourite channels are: Kassidy Voinche, Benjaminoftomes, ColdTeaAndCrumbs (of course), abookaffair, Sarah Churchill, Kerrie Ann Salsac, Helene Jeppesen, and InkBonesBooks. There are so many more though!
Meg xxx
Find Megan on all these social media sites:
Thanks Megan for taking part in my BookTuber/Book Blogger series.
Don't forget to follow Cold Tea and Crumbs to read another BookTuber/Blogger Interview in 2 weeks. See you all then. x
Missed an interview, see all interviewees on the BookTuber/Book Blogger Interview Archive Page
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