C.J. Abedi
Genres: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural
Publication Date: July 30th 2013
Number of Pages: 361
Source: Netgalley and Diversion Books
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Caroline Ellis sixteenth birthday sets into motion a series of events that have been fated for centuries. A descendant of Virginia Dare, the first child born in the lost colony of Roanoke, and unaware of her birthright as the heir to the throne of the Light Fae, it isn't until she begins a tumultuous relationship with Devilyn Reilly that the truth is revealed.
Devilyn is the only one of the Fae who is both of the Light and of the Dark, and struggles to maintain that precarious balance to avoid succumbing to the power of the Dark within him. He is the only one who can save Caroline from those who would destroy her and destroy all hope for unit among the Fae. He promises Caroline that he will protect her at all costs, even when it means protecting her from himself.
Told from the alternative perspectives of Caroline and Devilyn, FAE draws on mysterious, myths and legends to create a world, and a romance, dangerously poised between Light and Dark.
About the Authors
C. J. Abedi is made up of the sister writing team Colet and Jasmine Abed who wrote the upcoming series Fae. They have always had a love of writing and began collaborating on many projects when they were very young. Their passion for all things creative led them to the world of the entertainment industry where they have worked since completing their education.
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Another strength to this story was the characters Caroline and Devilyn, and their romance. I loved that it wasn't all plain sailing and 'love-at-first-sight' - well, yes they did love each at first sight but they both didn't just launch into and both had reservations about the other which was refreshing. I loved that Caroline had a sensible head on her shoulders and questioned Devilyn's motives and changes in his attitude towards her. I think Devilyn is the winning character in this book though as I love that he is not the typical teenage male and has maturity and wisedom, and although he is not quite comfortable in his own skin, he is confident guy who is a 'good' bad boy - if that's even possible? The build-up to a kiss in this book was also 'OMG' so many moments it was 'Yeah they're going to kiss' then no, then again 'Yeah they're going to kiss' then no. This could have got annoying but I really enjoyed the suspense building and then the kiss was magical and I could just imagine how that scene would all play out in a movie. *sigh*
With two main characters, the story of Fae is told from both perspectives so it regularly switches a couple of times between the Caroline and Devilyn during a chapter. Normally I would hate this within a book but I actually thought it worked in Fae and added so much more to the storyline. I loved experiencing one scene in Devilyn's head and then seeing aspects of it from Caroline's. C.J. Abedi did really well to stop much overlapping and repetition. I do however feel Caroline's reaction to her 'real' self and her heritage is slightly underplayed but I imagine this to be a hard scene to write because as the reader, we know all about Caroline via Devilyn's perspective and so it's not worth all the drama or repetition again from a reader's point of view. This scene did not detract from my love for this book however and I favored it's movement quickly onto more important aspects of the story.
Fae ends with such a cliffhanger that I have been day-dreaming all day at work at what happened with Devilyn and his father, and what will happen to Devilyn in the future. I need book 2 now for my sanity! Please C.J Abedi don't leave me waiting for too long to find out :-)
Want to know more about the characters in Fae. Check out Dianne's ideas for movie cast for FAE. She has the same actor for Teddy as I imagined and her choices for the others characters are fantastic.
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